Put your retirement fund to work
fighting climate change
Divest from the companies fueling climate change
85% of CO2e emissions from all publicly traded companies comes from this ~20% of the market.
Reinvest in the companies solving climate change
Clean electricity, to energy efficient buildings, to sustainable food; invest in most of the US-traded companies building climate solutions.

A 401(k) That Aligns with Your Company's Values
Enable employees at your company to save for retirement in low-fee, diversified, mission-driven portfolios.

Don't sacrifice on performance
See how our sustainable investment strategy would have performed
Historical time period: 03/09/17 - 03/09/22
Results may vary with each use and over time, dependent on selections made, including the time period. Outcomes are hypothetical in nature and dependent on the use of backtested performance for the Carbon Collective return. Carbon Collective’s returns are simulated to best demonstrate what the returns would have been if you had launched a portfolio using our sector-based, low-carbon strategy approximately one, three, or five years ago.
Betterment’s historical returns were taken directly from their website (you have to have an account). Vanguard’s portfolio is constructed to be a total market benchmark combining their total US stock market ETF (VTI) with their total US total bond market ETF (BND). For further details and a description of the criteria and methodology used, including the tool's numbers and graphs, please read Carbon Collectives Portfolios vs Betterment and Vanguard's index portfolios.
All results are net of fees, including a 0.25% annual fee for Carbon Collective. We assume a management fee on the Vanguard portfolios of 0.00%. All returns include reinvested dividends.
Invest in the companies building solutions to climate change
The world where we solve climate change is a better, cleaner, healthier world. More companies are building it every day. Own and support all of them through our Climate Index.
Learn more about the Climate index



+ 12 more companiesShow less
Most models project we can’t reach a 100% clean electricity grid without nuclear. Luckily, improvements in technology are making nuclear safer, cheaper, and more efficient.

Landfill Methane Capture
Landfills produce methane, a gas that is 25x more potent than CO2 for climate change. These companies capture methane and use it for power.

Upgrading the Grid
To reach 100% clean electricity, the electrical grid needs to be able to move far more electricity, to far more places, and get much better at storing it for later.

+ 1 more companiesShow less
Industrial recycling
From refrigerants to plastics, recycling reduces emissions from manufacturing and gets the world closer to a circular economy.

Fuel Cells
Fuel cells use hydrogen to generate emissions-free energy for power production or transportation.


Electric Vehicles
When paired with zero-carbon energy, electric vehicles allow us to greatly reduce emissions from transportation.

+ 8 more companiesShow less
The best way to reduce the emissions from traveling is... to travel less. Better telepresence and work-from-home tools help make this a reality.

Building Efficiency
More efficient: lighting, heating/cooling, and insulation are critical in reducing emissions from buildings

+ 13 more companiesShow less
Building Automation
Building automation systems reduce energy and water consumption by reacting to the external environment and the presence of people.

Building Retrofits
Retrofitting buildings with better insulations, heat pumps, and LEDs can greatly reduce their carbon emissions (and save the building owner a lot of money

High Performing/Dynamic Glass
High performance glass reduces heat or cold loss, while dynamic glass reduces the amount of heating and cooling a building needs.

Water Efficiency
A lot of energy goes into purifying, moving, and treating water. Better systems that detect leaks and recycle water save money and reduce emissions



+ 3 more companiesShow less
1 / 13



+ 20 more companiesShow less
Most models project we can’t reach a 100% clean electricity grid without nuclear. Luckily, improvements in technology are making nuclear safer, cheaper, and more efficient.

Landfill Methane Capture
Landfills produce methane, a gas that is 25x more potent than CO2 for climate change. These companies capture methane and use it for power.

Upgrading the Grid
To reach 100% clean electricity, the electrical grid needs to be able to move far more electricity, to far more places, and get much better at storing it for later.

+ 1 more companiesShow less
Industrial recycling
From refrigerants to plastics, recycling reduces emissions from manufacturing and gets the world closer to a circular economy.

Fuel Cells
Fuel cells use hydrogen to generate emissions-free energy for power production or transportation.


Electric Vehicles
When paired with zero-carbon energy, electric vehicles allow us to greatly reduce emissions from transportation.

+ 8 more companiesShow less
The best way to reduce the emissions from traveling is... to travel less. Better telepresence and work-from-home tools help make this a reality.

Building Efficiency
More efficient: lighting, heating/cooling, and insulation are critical in reducing emissions from buildings

+ 13 more companiesShow less
Building Automation
Building automation systems reduce energy and water consumption by reacting to the external environment and the presence of people.

Building Retrofits
Retrofitting buildings with better insulations, heat pumps, and LEDs can greatly reduce their carbon emissions (and save the building owner a lot of money

High Performing/Dynamic Glass
High performance glass reduces heat or cold loss, while dynamic glass reduces the amount of heating and cooling a building needs.

Water Efficiency
A lot of energy goes into purifying, moving, and treating water. Better systems that detect leaks and recycle water save money and reduce emissions



+ 3 more companiesShow less
Pay the same fees as you would
for a generic advisor
And far less than you would pay for other green or sustainable investing services.
About our fees0.35%
Average Annual AUM Fee
Our goal is that you pay an average of 0.35% in combined management and fund fees.
Monthly Account Fee
Get portfolio maintenance, rebalancing, and help from our member-beloved support team.
Choose the strategy that best fits you
Climate Solutions + Low Carbon Economy
Broadly diversified, climate-focused portfolios with a similar
risk/reward to investing in US market index funds.
17.8% Climate Solution Stocks
7.2% Green Bonds
62.2% Low-Carbon Economy ETFs
2% Cash
10.8% US Treasury Bonds
80/20 "Bold" - Core
Invest in over 1,500 stocks
7x lower CO2e emissions than the S&P 500
Tracks > 80% of the NYSE
0% fossil fuel companies
Just Climate Solutions
Investment portfolios where every dollar is focused on climate solutions
with a higher risk/reward than investing in US market index funds.
80% Climate Solution Stocks
18% Green Bonds
0% Low-Carbon Economy ETFs
2% Cash
0% US Treasury Bonds
80/20 "Bold" - Climate Only
Own 192 stocks in 40+ climate solutions
Potential for negative CO2e emissions
Only holds green bonds
0% fossil fuel companies (duh)
Keep your money
Safe & secure
Our Transfer Guarantee
Is it safe to invest with a new startup like Carbon Collective? Absolutely! You own all of your stocks & bonds, so they're not going anywhere. Even if we don't make it, the worst-case scenario is that you'll experience a mild inconvenience as we work with you to transfer your account to a new custodian.
Who holds your stocks & bonds
Your stocks and bonds are held by Altruist. Altruist is a digital-first custodian offering cutting-edge technology with SOC 2 security.
In the unlikely event that anything happens to our custodian, Altruist, your holdings are insured for up to $500,000 per account through the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) and private sources. In addition, all cash held in your sweep account is FDIC insured. This coverage helps protect your investments and provides you with peace of mind as you build your climate-aligned portfolio with Carbon Collective
Public companies are beholden to their shareholders. We’re going to make our voices heard.
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