Portfolio Allocation
Invest in low-fee diversified portfolios built to highlight the companies solving climate change. All of our portfolios have the same building blocks, but we allocate them differently depending on your goals. You can sort through the holdings of some different portfolios below or read more about how we built our climate friendly investment portfolios.
SECTOR | COMPANY | Ticker | % ALLOCATED | % CHANGE (5-YR) Historical returns from: Compares: Carbon Collective’s US equities portfolio to the S&P500 and the MSCI total staock market. The Carbon Collective US equities portfolio has not existed prior till now, so the numbers you see are calculated based on the historical returns of the underlying assets. All results are net of fees (meaning this is what you actually would have made before taxes). Assumes reinvested dividends. |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +2.56% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +0.40% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +1.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +2.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +9.04% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +2.08% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +18.71% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +0.40% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +2.26% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +3.57% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +7.63% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +11.64% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +0.60% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +2.60% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +2.47% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +2.47% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +2.93% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +7% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +1.27% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +11.42% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +2.27% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +0.90% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +3.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +5.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +8.04% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +1.85% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +16.63% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +0.90% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +2.01% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +3.17% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +6.78% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +10.35% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +1.35% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +5.85% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +2.20% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +2.20% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +2.61% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +6% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +1.13% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +10.15% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +1.99% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +1.40% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +5.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +8.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +7.03% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +1.62% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +14.55% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +1.40% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +1.76% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +2.78% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +5.93% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +9.05% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +2.10% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +9.10% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +1.92% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +1.92% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +2.28% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +5% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +0.99% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +8.88% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +1.71% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +1.90% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +7.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +11.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +6.03% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +1.39% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +12.47% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +1.90% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +1.51% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +2.38% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +5.09% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +7.76% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +2.85% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +12.35% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +1.65% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +1.65% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +1.96% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +5% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +0.85% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +7.61% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +1.42% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +2.40% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +9.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +14.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +5.02% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +1.16% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +10.39% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +2.40% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +1.26% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +1.98% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +4.24% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +6.47% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +3.60% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +15.60% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +1.37% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +1.37% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +1.63% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +4% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +0.71% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +6.34% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +1.14% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +2.90% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +11.60% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +17.40% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +4.02% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +0.93% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +8.31% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +2.90% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +1.00% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +1.59% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +3.39% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +5.17% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +4.35% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +18.85% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +1.10% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +1.10% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +1.31% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +3% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +0.57% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +5.07% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A | |
Utilities | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Utilities | CCDI: Utli | +0.43% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track the utilities that are or have transitioned to carbon neutral energy. |
US Short Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Short Term Treasury Index | VGSH | +49.80% | +9.35% | Vanguard put together this collection of short term US treasury bonds to track the US short term treasury bond index |
US Mid Term Treasury Bond | Schwab Mid Term Treasury Index | SCHR | +8.30% | +19.25% | Schwab put together this collection of intermediate term US treasury bonds to track the US intermediate term treasury bond index |
US Long Term Treasury Bond | Vanguard Long Term Treasury Index | VGLT | +4.15% | +52.54% | Vanguard put together this collection of long term US treasury bonds to track the US long term treasury bond index |
Telecommunications | Fidelity MSCI Telecommunications Sector ETF | FCOM | +1.50% | +90.81% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of telecommunications companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Technology | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Technology | CCDI: Tech | +0.35% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the technology we need to transition to a carbon neutral economy |
Fidelity MSCI Technology Sector ETF | FTEC | +3.11% | +247.74% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of technology companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
TIPS | Blackrock 0-5 Years TIPS Bond ETF | STIP | +8.30% | +13.11% | Schwab put together this collection of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). Their principal price adjusts to track inflation |
Real Estate | Schwab XL REIT ETF | XLRE | +0.38% | N/A | Schwab put together this collection of REITs to track an index of the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Materials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Materials | CCDI: Mate | +0.60% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that provide materials key to transitioning to a low carbon economy. |
Industrials | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Industrials | CCDI: Indu | +1.28% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that build the goods and infrastructure needed to transition to a carbon neutral economy. |
Healthcare | Fidelity MSCI Healthcare Sector ETF | FHLC | +1.93% | +72.36% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of healthcare companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
Green Bond | VanEck Vector Green Bond ETF | GRNB | +2.08% | N/A | VanEck put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure |
Blackrock Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN | +10.38% | N/A | Blackrock put together this collection of bonds to track an index of the global green bonds that are used to finance renewable infrastructure | |
Financials | State Street S&P Regional Banking ETF | KRE | +0.41% | +7.83% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of regional banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange |
State Street S&P Insurance ETF | KIE | +2.47% | +45.29% | State Street put together this collection of stocks to track an index of insurance companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Energy | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Energy | CCDI: Enge | +0.49% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track companies that produce carbon neutral energy for powering a carbon nuetral economy |
Consumer Staples | Carbon Collective: Consumer Staples | CC: CoSt | +1.17% | N/A | Carbon Collective adjusted this collection of stocks to track the USA IMI MSCI consumer staples index with the meat and tobacco companies removed |
Consumer Discretionary | Carbon Collective: Drawdown Consumer Discretionary | CCDI: CoDi | +0.22% | N/A | Carbon Collective put together this collection of stocks to track electric vehicle companies. |
Fidelity MSCI Discretionary Sector ETF | FDIS | +1.90% | +135.38% | Fidelity put together this collection of stocks to track an index of consumer discretionary (non-staples) companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange | |
Cash | Cash | CASH | +2.00% | N/A |