
Billion Dollars

in 2019 revenue


Less Decay

in produce when food retailers use Save Foods solutions


Million Tons

of fruit and vegetables are wasted globally along the value chain every year

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The Path to Drawdown: Food Waste

Producing and preparing food is resource intensive - it takes water, energy, land, fertilizer, hours of labor, transportation, and financial capital to make it happen. So when food is wasted, either in transit, grocery stores, restaurants, or households, those resources are wasted. In fact, somewhere between 30-40% of the food raised or prepared never makes it to people's mouths.

Food waste accounts for 4.4 gigatons of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere, or roughly 8% of total human-caused emissions. In low-income countries, food waste happens because of poor storage conditions, inadequate equipment or packaging, and a combination of heat and humidity. In higher-income countries, most of the food waste happens further down the supply chain: retailers reject food based on their aesthetic appearance or consumers overestimate how much food they will cook in a given week.

Solutions to food waste abound. Things as simple as using improved storage bags, silos or crates during transit can make a difference early in the supply chain. At the retail and consumer levels, setting food waste targets, generating public awareness about the issue, and changing consumer behavior toward food would greatly reduce waste.

Project Drawdown estimates that if these solutions are aggressively pursued, we can cut 101.7 gigatons of greenhouse gases from food waste between now and 2050.

What We Want to See Improve

Disclose Sustainability Information

Save Foods is a young company and a small operation. Their R&D and manufacturing facility (p. 28) is only 70 square feet, and they only have six employees as of the end of 2020. So their carbon footprint must be correspondingly small. But as more investors demand transparency about the climate impact of their portfolio, Save Foods will also be called upon to disclose key sustainability metrics. We'd like to see them publish an annual sustainability report that includes their absolute greenhouse gas emissions, sources of energy use, and waste generated.

Set Clear Goals

Once they disclose sustainability metrics, we'd like to see Save Foods setting forth targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions within this decade. These targets should be science-based, in line with the global ambition to stay under 1.5°C of global warming. 

Scale to Profitability

Save Foods reports (p. 32) that they're currently focused on R&D, and have recently sustained losses. We think Save Foods' products are a valuable solution to reducing food waste, so we're eager to see them scale their operations and sales to the point of profitability in the near future.

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Allocated Company Description


AgroFresh Solutions, Inc. (AGFS)

Agrofresh sells products like packaging solutions that extend the shelf life of food, preventing food waste from the spoilage of produce.


Save Foods, Inc. (SVFD)

SVFD offers solutions that can extend the freshness and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. By reducing food waste, they’re helping cut methane emissions

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